Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Crazy Variability of Melatonin in Sleep Aid Gummies May Keep You Up at Night: A Closer Look at the Study

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep, and it is commonly found in sleep aid products, including gummies. However, a new study shows that the amount of melatonin in these gummies can vary greatly, potentially leading to unintended effects. This article takes a closer look at the study and its implications.
  • Study details: The study tested 31 different brands of sleep aid gummies and found that the amount of melatonin in each gummy varied widely, from 0.3 mg to 8.3 mg.
  • Implications: The wide variation in melatonin levels means that consumers may not be getting the intended dose, which can have unintended effects on sleep.
  • Safety concerns: The study highlights the importance of regulating the manufacturing and labeling of sleep aid products to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these products.
  • Labeling requirements: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not currently require sleep aid products to disclose the amount of melatonin in each serving, making it difficult for consumers to know what they are taking.
  • Recommendations: The authors of the study suggest that the FDA should consider mandating labeling requirements for sleep aid products, and that consumers should be cautious when using these products until more is known about their safety and effectiveness.
Conclusion: Sleep aid gummies are a popular option for those who struggle with sleep, but the wide variation in melatonin levels among different brands can lead to unintended effects. The study highlights the need for more regulation and labeling requirements to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these products. Consumers should be cautious when using sleep aid gummies and should talk to their healthcare providers if they have concerns about their sleep.


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